
Showing posts from 2011


最近都在为这个游戏疯狂 也算是用这个游戏解压吧 ~ 很少会持续的玩一个游戏的, 可是sims ... 没有错的话我小学就玩起,一出就玩了 之前的很闷,没有得跟朋友一起玩 现在 Sim Socials 可以跟你身边的朋友有 connection  是个不错的游戏,可是千万不可以上瘾  =.= 上瘾了还得了,我不用工作了那 ~ 明天又要上班了 ~ 还休息不够 ~~~  加油 ~ =) VARENT


人生不能定长短 我们预算不到我们的人生什么时候结束 什么时候会消失在这个地球上 很多很多 我们是不会知道的 想当初 我们还一起在云顶到数2011年的到来 我们还一起到数看烟花 结果却因为雾太大而取消了 ... 还以为,今天的到数,可以再次跟她一起看到 ... 2011年的那瞬间,开心的抱在一起说 HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! 然后一起回酒店,可是好像迷路兜了一大圈 Aunty ... 好不容易我们的感情今年比较好,比较亲密 不然之前我都很怕你,因为觉得你很凶 可是为什么?为什么感情好了就要发生这种事? 不是应该一直维持下去的吗? ........ 对不起,我不是故意不要在你难熬的时候不去看你的 因为我很怕 我怕我会每天想起你生病的样子 我宁愿你在我脑海保留着那么美的样子 永远永远 听到妈咪说你走了 我突然呆了一下 为什么!为什么我才去打篮球一下罢了就收到这样的消息? 我不知道我是不是后悔没有去看你最后一面 心情很矛盾 可是不管怎样 我...真的很难过 ... Aunty,你要好好地安息 你要以路好走 不要留任何思念 开开心心的在上面安息 =) REST . IN . PEACE  VARENT

1st done 3D project !

1st show a photo of mine while heading to QB XD Today have an appointment with my client at 2.30 pm in QB mall,  we met outside the old town after that we went to Station One. hmm hmm ... Everything goes well ... Had a nice conversation with both of them, their daughter sibeh quite =.= and not interest with design at all ... yea ... asked her mum b4, future lawyer ( not mistaken ) XD Finally after 1 and the half hour, everything was done,  and the second project is coming soon to me =) looking forward to it Thanks for Mrs. Tiew give the chance to let me design her house, because initially they already had a designer, but at last they decided to give me a try =) I will keep moving on !!! Afterward I go to meet babe, buy drinks for her ... acc her ... dating in BORDERS and then back home ~~~ TODAY IS A GOOD GOOD DAY,  EVERYDAY WILL BE A GOOD DAY =) <3 love u b VARENT

E . O . W . O . N

Thursday I go to EOWON again with Melvin,  this time is already confirm to hire us for the internship in AUGUST just to sign the confirmation letter >.< while waiting Mr. Chew Rain gor said that I'm a cam-whore ... =.= hmmm ... I dunno how to describe the feeling when I was thinking if they hire me you know ... "The most famous design firm in Penang" ... you know .... there will gonna be a ton of projects to do ... you know ... I have to use to the OT time .... until 8/9 pm ... even until midnight ... you know ... I cant always dating with my babe everyday anymore ... maybe once a week ? ... you know ... there will be a lot pressure to me ... you know .. you know ... >.< but, there's no way to step back  just a way to move forward  work harder learn more gain more experience  This is what I wan =) MAKE IT WORTH IT VARENT

Varent's KL trip with ID-mate

星期五一大早就要起来收拾行李,准备去 sg.nibong 等巴士出出发到 KL 去!兴奋兴奋 >.< 我们这 batch 整班,除了 chee hwey,还有几个 junior 一起去,( long kao 跟 jo 差点赶不上巴士 =.= 因为qb 那边就jam ) 去 KL 的目的是因为 KBU 有个竞赛,6位幸运儿可以代表马来西亚到台北去参加不知道什么鬼展 =.= 可惜我们没有半个中,600多个人~真的是太强了~~~ 8月的实习,我要努力一番,尽量学多点东西 =) 在巴士上~ 闷闷的,因为是 single seat,从头到尾都是一边听歌一边睡觉 =.= zzz 不知不觉3,4个小时就这样过了 ~  下了巴士,我们傻傻的绕了一圈,然后到了地铁站 ( 应该是地铁吧 ) 然后又换轻快铁 ~ 然后走走走,好长的路~ 第一天到 KL,有点笨拙 ... 走了好多不必要走的路 =.= (当着减肥吧~) * 每次坐轻快铁都有这张卡~每张都不一样的,真想全部收集起来,可是不行 不然就不能出了 =.= 我的衣服酷不酷? 哈哈,跟别人不一样的勒~~~ 因为我懒惰脱里面那件 =.= 教授 ( SEIREN ) 还买了两盒KL才有的 DONUT 给我们~~~ yum yum ~ 过后我们就去附近的 1 UTAMA 逛街~ 女生看到美美的衣服就进去逛阿逛, 我就陪阿陪~结果当我看到男装有大减价的时候,全部人饿扁了,累坏了,要去吃东西,然后回酒店了 =.= T.T 我们到了旺角吃,不是penang的旺角哦,是好像马六甲的,就跟penang的不一样, 同名不同公司 >.< 本少爷叫了牛肉干炒饭,没有错的话 =.= 全部回到去酒店累垮了 可是冲凉过后又精神了,一个两个跑来我们的房间玩牌, 过后11点多,SEIREN 也骑着她的羊,塞了很久的车来到我们的酒店一起玩牌  (为什么说她骑羊?因为她要来的时候她的msg写说 --- I'm kambing now! jz finish bath, song ! )   XD 然后星期日,也就是会penang的那天~ 原本是跟巴士回的,结果我可爱的教授,怕寂寞,死都要人陪她,因为她一个人驾车来 结果我就是被选中的那个 =.= 然后我们是最早到penang的那个,因为巴士在ip...

New PC

I just bought a new pc from PC fair yesterday !!! It was so excited ! muahahahahaha <3 A have a long time never change PC, although I own a laptop, but I am not satisfied with my laptop screen,  I cant enjoy my movie well with the small screen XD Now I have a 20 inch wide screen in my room !!! yahoooooooo ~ happy ~ =) can enjoy movie comfortably ~ >.< and this pc can use for how long? 3 years? more or less? who know ? haha I will appreciate it SO MUCH ! <3 * Opps ! forget to mention the most important 1 which is actually the purpose of buying this pc is for me to have a better pc, better processor to do my ID assignment, will will render more fast =) Besides, I m really happy that my mum so sayang me >.< HAPPY MOTHERS DAY MUM !!! VARENT


Recently I'm obsessed with some apple's apps hmm ... it is some photography apps one is LOMOLOMO n another one is name by koren title, so I have no idea wat its call. For my personality, I LOVE SNAP PHOTO ! but, I have been a long time never take photo like crazy, XD I used to take photo everywhere, while shopping. Since I discover such a FANTASTIC apps ... Hehehehehe, mission on ! snap incessantly ....  Here to upload some of my masterpiece XD These are two photo with different  effect =) This obviously I m grimacing XD And this is another trendy Lomo effect Hmmm ... n tis 1 is special for my babe ~ Definitely is edited  & withs frenzs ~ This abit looks like ... kid >.< Masterpieces presentation end XD Varent

Fight For 3D !

Short sem, time is extremely pack !!! 3 more weeks .................. haven't start render yet .... omg FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT !!! FIGHT FOR 3D !!! Ppl fight for 3A, I fight for 3D  XD >.< VARENT  

Versace Pour Homme

I get this yesterday from my lovely jie ...  Although it is now by personally ... but I am still happy =) Now ... my lovely bb and my lovely jie dating in Melaka ... without me  I am super jealous n upset abt that ...... How long need to wait to see my lovely jie TT Haiz anyway, I m happy having a sis like you, jie ~ LOVE YOU <3 PS: LOVE YOU AS WELL BAO BEI LAOPO, scare you jealous XD VARENT